Category: CASE STUDY 2

Case Study-3 is India’s Largest baby cradle E-commerce Store which has Global and local presence.

– Challenges
– Technical Errors
– Low Website Visibility at Local and Global Level.
– Unparalleled User alignment

Things that we worked upon,
– On and Off page SEO
– Technical SEO
– Optimized UX/UI User Experince
– Link Diversification

– We have enhanced overall user experince by making over UX design.
– Got Ranked on first Page after implementing on page and off page Strategy.
– Improved Website Visibilty by fixing up technical website issues.
– Driven Good amount of quality traffics by implementing the thorough SEO strategy.

Case Study-2 is a US based B2B gas analyzer mapping company to offer underground gas level mapping system.

– Low Brand Visibility at Local Level
– B2B Market Competition
– Website Ux/UI Complex Structure
– Lower than expected B2B Goal Conversion Rate

– Staretegy that we Implemented
– In SEO,Thoroughly worked on improving On page factors to make the brand more visible.
– The complete Makeover of the UX/UI Experience to improve website user experiece which helped the brand to beat the competition
– Through Solid Link Buiding plan, we were able to improve Goal conversion rate,

Final Outcome:-
– Smoothen User experience throughout the Website by changing UX/UI Design.
– Optimized conversion rate upto 26.35% through off-page strategy.
– Beaten Local B2B competition through our on page SEO implementation.

Case Study-1 is one of the largest australian based scaffolding service providers which offers a plethora of scaffolding products.

Strategy Implementation:-
– Local SEO
– On page and off page SEO
– Website Audit
– Focused on UX/UI Experience

– Few pages had been indexed than expected
– Lower Visibility in Local Market
– Higher Userflow and low conversion Rate
– Unoptimized Site as per on page

How we overcame it
– Through Local SEO and on page, we firstly improved overall website visibility and rankings in its targeted areas,
– Through Off page SEO,we have developed solid Brand Presence at local and International Level. and driven good amount of referral Traffics.

– Improved Conversion rate by 36.55% through SEO.